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Showing posts from April, 2019

What no one told you about when planning your wedding

Hey guys!! First of all let me just say a huge thank you to you guys for being so patient and understanding with me as i planned my guys understood that DIYing your own wedding is no joke and for that i'm grateful. Now that i'm fresh from the honeymoon and the first couple weeks in my new role as his wife..(yaaass) lol i'm going to just jump right into  the meat of the matter So, as the title suggests i will be sharing with you guys "What no one told you about when planning your own wedding".  Lets start off  with Opinions of family members So no one told you that there will be   some family members that will get overly excited and without willingly and knowingly doing it, they impose their likes and dislike on you, they start to give THEIR opinions on things that YOU love and want for your big day, maybe one doesn't like the type of dress you like, and the other doesn't think your colors are the right one to choose because they do